Ganjar Cek Perkembangan Pembangunan Tol Solo-Yogyakarta, Bermanfaat untuk Penumpang Pesawat

JAKARTA - Gubernur Jawa Tengah Ganjar Pranowo meninjau perkembangan pembangunan jalan tol Solo-Yogyakarta, di pintu masuk tol Solo. Pembangunan seksi I ditargetkan selesai 2023 mendatang.

"Kita coba pastikan karena kemarin penlok (penetapan lokasi) sudah kita tetapkan, dan akan kita lakukan percepatan. Maka, yang di seksi satu ini targetnya 2023 akan selesai,” ujar Ganjar, Selasa 20 September.

Pembangunan sesi I dilakukan sepanjang jalan Kartosuro-Purwomartani. Jika itu selesai, diperkirakan akan bermanfaat untuk peningkatan penggunaan pesawat di Solo.

"Mudah-mudahan, kalau kita lakukan percepatan ya akan bermanfaat. Hitung-hitungannya kalau yang ruas Jateng ini selesai dan masuk ke Yogya 2023, potensi orang akan menggunakan pesawat akan larinya ke Solo, kemungkinan jaraknya lebih dekat,” paparnya.

Nevertheless, Ganjar still hopes that the full toll road construction until Yogyakarta can be completed according to the target.

"Hopefully those in Yogya, as well as those who go to the new airport, will also be fast. So that people can be served well," he continued.

In general, explained Ganjar, the progress of the toll road construction is quite good. If there are still complaints from the community, his party is ready to provide assistance.

“The progress is good, that here and there there are still complaints about compensation, we try to be with them so that people understand. Earlier, I asked that the results of the appraisal were also quite good. I'm sure the community will not lose. My task is accompanied by two things. The community can understand that compensation for compensation is suitable, and work can proceed quickly,” he said.