JAKARTA - Some time ago, global cybersecurity firm Kaspersky revealed a new cyberattack tactic known as the nickname "Nearest Neighbor".
Kaspersky said this tactic allowed cybercriminals to exploit the company's Wi-Fi network without direct physical access.
The method utilizes vulnerabilities in other organizations located close to the target, such as in the same or adjacent buildings and uses devices connected to wireless modules as bridges to the target network.
Once logged in, they can steal data, encrypt important information, and monitor employee activities, even though the target has implemented security measures such as two-factor authentication.
How to protect yourself from Nearest Neighbor attacks
"It should be noted that this tactic has been used by at least one APT group, so this is not just a theoretical threat," Kaspersky wrote in a statement.
Therefore, Kaspersky suggested that organizations targeted by attacks should start treating the security of their wireless local area networks as seriously as security on resources connected to the internet.
To protect oneself from the Nearest Neighbor attack, Kaspersky suggested the following:
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