雅加达 - Substack 是一个在线出版平台, 向 Substack Chat 推出了视频, 允许用户在手机上轻松录制视频并将其直接发送到其订阅者。

Substack Chat上的视频发布是在公告平台将视频带到Notes两个月后发布的,Notes是X / Twitter的模仿器,允许用户共享短期内容。

Today we’re bringing video to Substack Chat. Record a video on your phone and send it directly to your subscribers. Video in Chat is a way Substack creators can be candid with their community, in a private space they own and control. Read more:https://t.co/jBfmTOc26U pic.twitter.com/Zj9V2LqbEC

— Substack (@SubstackInc) June 5, 2024

Today we’re bringing video to Substack Chat. Record a video on your phone and send it directly to your subscribers. Video in Chat is a way Substack creators can be candid with their community, in a private space they own and control. Read more:https://t.co/jBfmTOc26U pic.twitter.com/Zj9V2LqbEC




往常一样,只有您的订阅者才能查看和参与聊天。 Paywall 和聊天权限都可以从设置中轻松定制。

该公司今年早些时候推出了聊天,允许用户与客户进行更轻松的交流。就在上个月,Substack 才增加向付费会员支付所有聊天或特定一系列消息的能力。

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)