JAKARTA - OpenAI董事会前成员Helen Toner透露了有关ChatGPT存在的令人惊讶的事实,该ChatGPT的存在在Twitter上看到后才被董事会所知,现在是X平台。这是在5月28日星期二播出的播客“泰德AI秀”的采访中透露的。
Toner首次详细解释了OpenAI首席执行官山姆·奥尔特曼(Sam Altman)被解雇背后的背景,后者在11月发生了戏剧性事件。他将奥尔特曼描述为一个操纵的高管,创造了一个“有毒的大气”。
What has *really* been happening at OpenAI? Former board member @hlntnr and host @bilawalsidhu take a peek behind the curtain — plus the future of government regulation of AI. Listen to The TED AI Show on @AmazonMusic or wherever you get your podcasts: https://t.co/wZh1JsVy7m pic.twitter.com/kc31ElaZiC
— TED Talks (@TEDTalks) May 28, 2024
What has *really* been happening at OpenAI? Former board member @hlntnr and host @bilawalsidhu take a peek behind the curtain — plus the future of government regulation of AI. Listen to The TED AI Show on @AmazonMusic or wherever you get your podcasts: https://t.co/wZh1JsVy7m pic.twitter.com/kc31ElaZiC
阿尔特曼尚未回应置评请求,而OpenAI则指的是现任董事会主席布雷特·泰勒(Bret Taylor)的声明,该声明指出该事件已被审查。
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