Metaphor: ReFantazio 将于 10 月 11 日发布 (照片:Xbox)

雅加达 - 在4月22日(星期一)进行现场直播展示后,Atlus宣布Metaphor:ReFantazio将于今年10月11日在全球推出。


Let us speak of the old vulture’s last grasp for power… 🥀The tournament for the throne is set, Metaphor: ReFantazio is coming October 11th, 2024!Pre-order your physical copy NOW: https://t.co/Iw2ga3B01Y Digital products and pre-orders to be announced at a later time. pic.twitter.com/PswTqnCRbh

— Official ATLUS West (@Atlus_West) April 22, 2024

Let us speak of the old vulture’s last grasp for power… 🥀The tournament for the throne is set, Metaphor: ReFantazio is coming October 11th, 2024!Pre-order your physical copy NOW: https://t.co/Iw2ga3B01Y Digital products and pre-orders to be announced at a later time. pic.twitter.com/PswTqnCRbh




Metaphor:ReFantazio 将在全球Xbox Series X / S,PS4,PS5和PC上推出 (有传言称Nintendo Switch 2版本也将推出)。

幻想RPG游戏Metaphor:ReFantazio本身的开发由Persona 3、4、5的创意领导者领导,后者以前被Atlus视为下一个大财产。

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