雅加达 - 欧洲初创企业将更容易地访问专门从事人工智能(AI)的超级计算机,以帮助他们开发通用AI模型。这是一个新的综合资源中心的一部分,旨在增加这些技术的采用率,欧盟委员会于1月25日星期三宣布。

Today, we announce the launch of “AI Factories”, revolving around our world-leading supercomputers.Bringing together #AI ‘raw materials’: ✔️computing power #HPC✔️#data✔️#algorithms & talentSupporting 🇪🇺 AI #startups to emerge as global leaders.https://t.co/nC0qv2aGLp pic.twitter.com/ADoXXqQsUi

— Thierry Breton (@ThierryBreton) January 24, 2024

Today, we announce the launch of “AI Factories”, revolving around our world-leading supercomputers.Bringing together #AI ‘raw materials’: ✔️computing power #HPC✔️#data✔️#algorithms & talentSupporting 🇪🇺 AI #startups to emerge as global leaders.https://t.co/nC0qv2aGLp pic.twitter.com/ADoXXqQsUi



“今天,我们宣布启动AI Factories,为AI收集'原材料':计算能力,数据,算法和人才,”欧盟行业负责人Thierry Breton在一份声明中表示。


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