韩国汽车集团现代汽车集团(Hyundai Motor Group)于11月8日(星期三)宣布,其空中出租车部队Supernal计划在美国建造制造工厂。这是为了为旅行工人生产飞行电动出租车。

“电动垂直起降和起降车辆(eVTOL)的原型将在1月在拉斯维加斯举行的消费电子展(CES)上展出,”Supernal首席执行官Shin Jaiwon在接受彭博社采访时表示。

Discover how Hyundai accelerates the New Economy through #SmartMobility Solutions as Jaiwon Shin, President of #HyundaiMotorGroup and CEO of #Supernal shares his vision for Advanced Air Mobility at the 2023 Bloomberg #NewEconomyForum ▶ https://t.co/bqzxjBe0iD@BBGNewEconomy pic.twitter.com/RhWl7dRb00

— Hyundai Motor Group (@HMGnewsroom) November 8, 2023

Discover how Hyundai accelerates the New Economy through #SmartMobility Solutions as Jaiwon Shin, President of #HyundaiMotorGroup and CEO of #Supernal shares his vision for Advanced Air Mobility at the 2023 Bloomberg #NewEconomyForum ▶ https://t.co/bqzxjBe0iD@BBGNewEconomy pic.twitter.com/RhWl7dRb00

世界各地的电动出租车制造商声称自己是解开城市拥堵的清洁替代品。它还吸引了航空业参与者(如Delta Air Lines Inc.)的投资,尽管他们仍然远离商业运营。


现代汽车、Kia Corp、现代莫比斯自2021年成立以来,共同投资1.2万亿韩元(14.7万亿印尼盾)在华盛顿Supernal。


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