雅加达 - Twitter的品牌重塑平台X推出了视频的社区笔记,该笔记将标记直播帖子,并自动将笔记填写到合适的视频中。

Community Notes 是 众包温和或事实核查器的现有程序。有了这些新功能,合格的贡献者可以选择可用的选项。


Not just for images anymore — introducing notes on videos! Notes written on videos will automatically show on other posts containing matching videos. A highly-scalable way of adding context to edited clips, AI-generated videos, and more. Available to all Top Writers 🏅 https://t.co/s92XoA1SZ9 pic.twitter.com/I2JF4NQZ9q

— Community Notes (@CommunityNotes) September 5, 2023

Not just for images anymore — introducing notes on videos! Notes written on videos will automatically show on other posts containing matching videos. A highly-scalable way of adding context to edited clips, AI-generated videos, and more. Available to all Top Writers 🏅 https://t.co/s92XoA1SZ9 pic.twitter.com/I2JF4NQZ9q




社区名录自去年以来一直在全球推出。亿万富翁埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)拥有的X经常增加对来自更多国家的贡献者的支持,以在帖子中添加背景,引自TechCrunch和The Verge,9月7日星期四。

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)