雅加达 - THQ Nordic和Pieces Interactive 宣布,其经典生存恐怖系列的重启 Alone in the Dark 的推出将推迟至 2024 年 1 月 16 日。
此外,发行人还声称,这种延迟不仅仅是打磨,而且是为了避免像Alan Wake 2和Marvel's Spider-Man 2这样的大版本。
This is why we have decided to move the release date of #AloneInTheDark to January 16, 2024.The team will use this additional time to perfect the gaming experience of AitD while making sure everyone gets a chance to enjoy all the other fantastic games released in October.
— THQ Nordic (@THQNordic) September 5, 2023
Alone in the Dark 稍后推出时,将适用于 Xbox Series X / S,PS5和PC 玩家。
第一人调查了艾米莉的叔叔杰里米·哈特伍德(Jeremy Hartwood)的失踪,后者将她带到德塞托·马诺尔(Derceto Manor)。精神病患者的家。
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