雅加达 - 在X平台(以前称为Twitter)上的最新帖子中,ARK Invest首席执行官Cathie Wood表达了她对比特币(BTC)和人工智能(AI)混合的乐观看法。


The convergence between Bitcoin - and AI could transform the way companies organize, causing a collapse in costs and an explosion in productivity. I was blown away by the possibilities these brilliant entrepreneurs are creating. Look for this podcast on Thursday! https://t.co/kPW92CuhFQ

— Cathie Wood (@CathieDWood) September 2, 2023

The convergence between Bitcoin - and AI could transform the way companies organize, causing a collapse in costs and an explosion in productivity. I was blown away by the possibilities these brilliant entrepreneurs are creating. Look for this podcast on Thursday! https://t.co/kPW92CuhFQ

Wood对乐观观点的支持得到了ARK Invest发表的题为“投资人工智能:股权价值在哪里?”的研究文件的支持,该文件显示伍德和ARK Invest都在评估人工智能在投资战略中的重要性。


该文件还说明了RK Invest的战略,该战略从人工智能科技股的投资中产生了利润。致力于人工智能和其他创新技术的ARK颠覆创新ETF在年中成功击败了Nasdaq 100指数,实现了41.2%的显着利润。



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