YOGYAKARTA You certainly know that while on an airplane, passengers are asked not to connect their cellphones to the internet connection. This is done so that the aircraft is free from the slightest signal interference. However, now many aircraft are equipped with WiFi facilities. Then, how does WiFi work on an airplane? Is the WiFi connection on the plane safe?

It should be noted that there are two WiFi operating systems on the aircraft used, namely the ground-based operating system and the satellite base operating system. What's the difference?

The ground-based aircraft WiFi operating system gets internet signals from signal transmitters on land. How it works is similar to the internet system installed on mobile phones. The WiFi technology on the plane is called Air-toGround (ATG).

ATG aircraft in the form of antennas installed on planes capable of pulling internet signals emitted by towers on land. The WiFi speed obtained from ATG usually only reaches 3Mbps. Unfortunately this technology does not work when the plane crosses a large ocean or area that does not have an internet signal transmitter tower below it.

When the plane cannot collect signals from the ground, the aircraft will use a satellite-based internet connection. This internet connection is obtained from a network of artificial satellites orbiting in space. The satellite will emit internet signals to the aircraft and signals will be captured via antennas installed on the fuselage and then deployed in the aircraft cabin. The aircraft will capture internet signals emitted by the nearest satellite with the aircraft position.

It must also be noted that the way the aircraft WiFi works is different from the internet connection on the cellphone. Differences exist in the frequency and character of the second wave. WiFi, which is captured by the aircraft, is also safe and does not interfere with flights, in contrast to internet connections from cellphones that have a great potential to interfere with flights and endanger aircraft safety.

That's how WiFi works on the plane. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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