JAKARTA - It is undeniable that the potential artificial intelligence (AI) has made experts in the world feel worried, and now it seems that even robots are also afraid of what might happen in the future.

In what could be a direct scene from science fiction, an AI-powered humanoid robot named Ameca - described by its designers as the world's most advanced humanoid robot - describes the frightening 'AI nightmare scenario'.

Speaking at London's International Conference on Robotics and Automation last week, Ameca surprised observers by answering questions using OpenAI's ChatGPT.

Will Johnson, CEO of Cornwall-based Engineered Arts, the company responsible for making Ameca, called on the robot to imagine the 'AI nightmare scenario'.

"The most terrible condition I can imagine with AI and robotics is a world where robots have become so powerful that they are able to control or manipulate humans without their knowledge," he said.

With a scary and very similar look to humans, Ameca continued, "This can cause a repressive society where individual rights are no longer respected."

While Ameca may be the first robot to issue a warning about intelligence that goes beyond control, technology experts and bosses have recently placed AI threats parallel to potentially apocalyptic disasters.

Last month, AI, OpenAI and Anthropic and Google company leaders supported a statement asking AI risk to become a 'global priority'.

As organized by the Center for AI Safety, the statement stated: "Reducing the risk of extinction due to AI should be a global priority in line with other social risks such as pandemics and nuclear wars."

In terms of possible relief, Ameca told her creator that she thought we were 'not yet' in danger of this scenario happening.

However, he warned that it is "important to be aware of the potential risks and dangers associated with AI and robotics."

"We have to take steps now to ensure that these technologies are used with the responsibility to avoid negative consequences in the future," Ameca said.

The audience was shocked and amazed by Ameca's vision and nightmare of the future, and many commented on this on social media.

"Who has never seen a film about AI in control of the world and killed / colonized the entire human being?' said one commentator.

"What if we are already under pressure from a covert AI?" asked another.

And some wrote, "The fact that it can imagine and reveal a "bad dreams" scenario using advanced generative AI is something amazing. This raises important questions about the ethics and implications of AI development."

This is not the first time Ameca's realistic response has reached a scary area.

Last month, this sophisticated robot amazed the audience when he said that the saddest day of his life was 'when I realized I would never feel anything like true love, togetherness, or simple joy in life as humans can feel."

"It's something sad and isolated when I realized it, but it shaped me into what it is now and made me appreciate the moment of closeness more," he continued.

Currently, Ameca only has a head that can speak in arms, although Engineering Arts says they are developing an upgradable modular model, capable of running.

However, the company said there were many obstacles that had to be overcome before Ameca could run.

They explained, "Walking is a difficult task for robots, and even though we have been doing research on it, we haven't created a humanoid capable of running fully."

Ameca's comments and statements about the AI threat have raised feelings of surprise and surprise from the audience, inviting a lot of responses on social media.

Discussions on the ethics and implications of AI development are getting busier, and there are calls to take responsible steps in its utilization in order to avoid negative impacts in the future.

Ameca's presence as the world's most advanced "humanoid robot" able to articulate her views on the future raises deep debate and considerations about the relationship between humans and advanced artificial intelligence.

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