JAKARTA - The men's singles player from Sweden, Leo Borg, managed to ensure that he qualified for the final round of the BNI-MedcoEnergi International Tennis M25K Series II championship, Saturday, to face South Korean tennis player Jea Moon Lee.

Competing at the tennis court at the Sultan Hotel, Jakarta, Leo, who is the son of the legendary former world number one tennis player and 11 Grand Slam title winner Bjorn Borg, faces sixth seed Yanki Errel.

A written statement received by Antara stated that Leo, who is 19 years old and ranked 524, surprisingly succeeded in overthrowing his opponent in two straight sets.

Leo was able to perform charmingly through hard service and a combination of groundstroke against his opponent who was ranked higher by 462 in the world.

Starting the match very impressively, the Swedish tennis player who had a height of 183 centimeters immediately appeared to be pressing and had only lost two games to win the first set 6-2.

Trying to get back from adversity, Errel tried to reduce his opponent's hard service and increase the tempo of his game. However, these efforts only lasted a few moments, and eventually had to lose 4-6 which made him run aground in the semifinals.

Meanwhile, another round of four match that brought together two South Korean players finally belonged to Jea moon Lee.

Facing compatriot Lee Duckhee, 29-year-old Jea Moon managed to win two straight sets and only lost four games during the game.

Appearing with a fitter performance, Jea Moon Lee in the first set immediately played pressure on her compatriots with her baseliner attack.

The pattern, which was consistently developed by Jea moon Lee, brought him ahead in points, which finally won the starting set with a score of 6-2.

Jea Moon Lee's dominance continued in the second set, while Lee Duckhee seemed unable to get out of his compatriot pressure which again forced him to lose with the same score 6-2.

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