YOGYAKARTA 1 minute Plank burns how many calories? This question is often asked by someone who wants to do a plank. The reason is, this exercise is claimed to be effective for burning fat while strengthening the body's core muscles.

Not only that, the plank exercise that is carried out regularly and regularly can also form a sixpack stomach so that it looks tighter.

Plank is an exercise to process the body's core muscles (complex muscle series that spans from the lower chest muscles, stomach, back, to muscles around the pelvis) with simple movement using the lower arm as the focal point.

Plank involves several groups of body muscles which at the same time become very effective for strengthening these muscles.

There are no official rules regarding the permanent duration required to do the plank. As beginners, you can try 10-15 seconds, then repeat some sessions regularly.

Adapting Healthline, there are several benefits of plank to lose weight, including:

Plank exercises can increase the body's metabolic rate as well as burn calories. Calories burning will continue to occur, even when you are done doing the plank.

Although the movement is simple and easy to do, plank exercises can be used to build the body's muscle mass.

Plank exercises can also improve body posture, especially the spine of the back to make it stronger.

Plank exercises are actually very easy to do. However, every movement must be done properly in order to avoid the risk of injury.

Plank for 20 seconds by defending the body properly, is much more effective in building muscle mass than plank one minute but its position is not right or not right.

The steps to carry out the plan are:

Quoted by VOI from Health, plank exercises can burn body calories by 12 kcal per round. The round in question is when you do a plank movement such as standing with your hips wide, raising your body until both palms touch the floor. Push both hands forward using the help of the stomach muscles without moving your legs. Then stretch both hands forward until they stretch into elongated positions.

Next, drag your hands back (like stepping your feet) towards your feet to the initial position, while keeping your stomach muscle tight. If you are able to make this movement repetition 10 times, it means you have burned 120 kkal.

It's just that, what needs to be underlined, the number of calories burned during plank can vary, depending on body weight and how often you do it.

The more movement repetition you do, the greater the number of calories burned. Here's the amount of calories that will burn when doing the plank within one minute:

That's the number of calories burned when doing a plank for one minute. How, do you want to try plank training?

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