JAKARTA - In the automotive world, there are several cars that become icons, not only because of their performance and beauty, but also because of a unique touch of art.

One of the most prominent examples of automotive and art blending is the BMW M1 Supercar painted by pop art legend Andy Warhol. The car is also known as one of the most famous and most valuable Art Cars ever, given Warhol's fame.

At one time, Andy Warhol took a pencil and his famous brush, and with a touch of magic, gave birth to timeless work of art aboard an amazing vehicle. He painted this car himself and applied more than 6 kg of paint to this midmachine supercar in just 28 minutes. The result is an iconic design, which emits beauty and speed in perfect harmony.

Warhol's version of the art car also made his name known at the Le Mans 24 Hour race in 1979, where this car managed to finish sixth overall.

This car participation in the race became one of the most famous moments of the BMW Art Car series. The M1 race produced by Bavaria has become a legend in itself.

Like Art Car artists before, Andy Warhol also did not accept payment for his job as a car artist. Warhol personally painted this car with a touch of his own hands and artistic vision. He wants to describe speed as a visual image, and with great success, managed to create a visual effect that describes speed as the car glides rapidly.

I love this car. It's more successful than artwork. When a car is really speeding up, all lines and colors turn blurry," Warhol told the media in 1979 as quoted by bmwartcarcollection.

A Little history of BMW M1

One day in the city of Munich, Germany, there was a horrendous automotive exhibition. A car with rumbling machines and stunning designs caught the attention of all visitors. In the midst of the crowd, standing dashing a sports car that disturbs the imagination of many people: BMW M1.

BMW M1 is an iconic sports car produced from 1978 to 1981. Although its mass production did not last long, its charm was inherent in the automotive history. The story of this car begins with BMW's desire to enter the world of racing in the 1970s.

This car comes from the BMW mission of creating cars that can compete in prestigious sports racing events, such as the World Sportscar Championship and Le Mans. To realize this vision, BMW is working with Lamborghini, who is responsible for car body design and creation. However, this collaboration did not run smoothly and Lamborghini then experienced serious financial problems, so that M1 production was diverted to BMW.

Meskipun demikian, BMW tidak kehilangan semangat untuk mewujudkan mobil sport yang luar biasa. Mereka menggandeng designer Italia terkenal, Giugiaro, untuk menambahkan sentuhan desain yang elegans pada M1. Mobil ini memiliki tampilian yang aerodynamic dengan garis-line yang tajam dan futuristik.

BMW M1 is equipped with a V6-powered engine with a capacity of 3.5 liters capable of producing 277 dk of power. Its speed could reach 260 km/hour, making it the fastest sports car in its time.

Damaged by activists

The BMW M1, painted by Andy Warhol, is the target of climate activists on November 17, 2022. A group from the Ultima Generazione organization entered the Fabbrica del Vapore museum in Milan, Italy where the car was displayed. The activists began throwing some bags of flour into the car before security officers intervened.

According to Reuters at the time, two protesters were dragged officers away from his car. It is not known whether the flour caused damage to the car, because after the incident this art car was never displayed again by BMW.

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