雅加达 - 6月19日星期三,游客享用史前时代残余物的晴天在斯通亨格地区不得不急剧改变。


73岁的Rajan Naidu和21岁的Niemh Lynch带着喷漆等管子跑向斯通亨格的岩石圈,然后着色史前物体。



🚨 BREAKING: Just Stop Oil Spray Stonehenge Orange🔥 2 people took action the day before Summer Solstice, demanding the incoming government sign up to a legally binding treaty to phase out fossil fuels by 2030.🧯 Help us take megalithic action — https://t.co/R20S8YQD1j pic.twitter.com/ufzO8ZiDWu

— Just Stop Oil (@JustStop_Oil) June 19, 2024

🚨 BREAKING: Just Stop Oil Spray Stonehenge Orange🔥 2 people took action the day before Summer Solstice, demanding the incoming government sign up to a legally binding treaty to phase out fossil fuels by 2030.🧯 Help us take megalithic action — https://t.co/R20S8YQD1j pic.twitter.com/ufzO8ZiDWu

引用 Metro.co.uk,英国首相Rishi Sunak立即谴责抗议活动。他称这两名活动家犯下了“卑鄙的破坏行为”。

Just Stop Oil的代表Lynch夫人也是牛津大学的学生,她说,抗议活动是结束化石燃料时代的呼吁。

Just Stop Oil评估石油、煤炭和天然气的持续使用的开采导致死亡和苦难。他们希望公众思考未来的文明会留下什么。

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)