JAKARTA - Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo said he would prepare the use of varieties of drought-resistant food crops and Plant Disturbing Organisms (OPT) to anticipate the impact of the arrival of the El Nino climate phenomenon. "To deal with the arrival of the El Nino phenomenon, various things have been prepared as an anticipatory measure, such as the preparation of a buffer farm of approximately 500 thousand hectares in various regions," Limpo said while attending a coordination meeting to anticipate the impact of the El Nino climate in Lampung Province in Central Lampung, Antara, Wednesday, August 2. In addition to preparing buffer farming land in order to reduce the impact of the potential for extreme weather, his party will adjust the variety of food crops that are more drought resistant and plant disruption organisms, to prevent crop failure. "Currently we concentrate on making adjustments to drought-resistant plant varieties such as rice varieties that will be developed," said Syahrul. In addition, his party will also carry out more specific intensification in the provision of food by maximizing the use of mechanization and technology in the management of agricultural land in various regions. "Then all regions must also map their respective areas that are prone to drought by making signs of red, yellow and green areas. After that, carry out a planting movement of 1,000 hectares per district that is still green, coupled with the use of organic fertilizers in a centralized and independent manner, biosaka, maximization of water-saving cultivation," he said. "He continued to mitigate the impact, it is also necessary to carry out temporary efforts by increasing reservoirs, infiltration wells, socializing water-saving cultivation, and increasing counseling on the use of climate information for agricultural areas," he added.
According to him, in addition, it is also necessary to accelerate planting to catch the remaining rain. "Then increase the availability of alsintan to accelerate planting, increase water availability, carry out tertiary irrigation rehabilitation and pumping," he said.

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