Member of Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives Guspardi Gaus said that the Draft Law on Amendments to Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus only hits the hammer or is ratified in plenary meetings during the upcoming DPR RI trial. "Just tap the hammer. Hopefully after this recess period on August 15 will end the recess period. After that it opens the session period and after that we have an internal meeting and God willing, we will certainly schedule when a plenary session will be held,” Guspardi said in a discussion on the Legislation Forum "Revision of the ASN Law and the Fate of Honorary Workers" at the DPR RI Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Antara, Tuesday, August 1. For this reason, he hopes that the ASN Bill can be ratified soon so that it becomes a gift for non-ASN or honorary workers in commemoration of the 78th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia. "Hopefully this is a gift that is highly anticipated by the non-ASN who (the number) is 2.3 million," he said. Guspradi said the discussion on the revision of the ASN Law had been completed by Commission II of the DPR with the government during the past trial or before the DPR entered the period on July 14, 2023. "The discussion on the revision of this law has been completed, we will carry out it in Commission II with the government before the trial period is closed by the leadership of the DPR. However, because we are facing a recess period, we are delaying the implementation of mini factions, namely plenary determination rather than revising this law," he said. He added that Commission II of the DPR supports and oversees the three government commitments related to the ASN Bill, namely that it will not terminate employment (PHK) for 2.3 million non-ASN employees. "Second is the guarantee submitted by the government that the welfare will not be reduced when they are non-ASN," he said. Third, he continued, the budget did not increase with the implementation of the policy. "The government also said that with this attitude it would not inflate the budget with the solution to be applied in the revision of Law Number 5 of 2014," he said. Previously, on July 13, 2023, the 30th DPR RI Plenary Meeting for the V Session Period for the 2022-2023 Session Year agreed to extend the discussion time of the six draft laws (RUU), one of which was the Bill on Amendments to Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus. "Can we agree to an extension of the discussion time of the six draft laws in question until the upcoming Session Period I?" said Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Lodewijk Freidrich Paulus, who chaired the meeting. The other five bills are the New Energy and Renewable Energy Bill, the Biological Natural Resources Conservation Bill and its Ecosystems, the Civil Procedure Law Bill, the Second Amendment Bill to Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics, and the Fourth Amendment Bill to Law Number 24 of 2003 concerning the Constitutional Court.

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