Makassar High Court Judge sentenced the defendant Andri Yusuf to eight years in prison as a former Head of the Bina Duta Multi-Business Cooperative (KSU) for the alleged corruption case in the rental of a Pasar Butung kiosk worth more than Rp. 26.2 billion in Makassar, South Sulawesi.

This decision is two years lower than the first-degree decision at the Makassar District Court, which is 10 years in prison.

"Declaring that the defendant Andri Yusuf is legally and convincingly proven guilty of continuing the criminal act of corruption as referred to in the subsidiary indictment. Sentencing the defendant to eight years in prison and a fine of Rp. 500 million," said the Makkasau Panel of Judges through a copy of the verdict. reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 1.

For the provisions, if the fine is not paid, it must be replaced with imprisonment for four months. Furthermore, imposing an additional penalty of Rp26 billion.

With the stipulation, if you do not pay the replacement money no later than one month after the court's decision that has obtained permanent legal force (inkrah), the prosecutor can confiscate the property and auction it off to cover the replacement money.

If the defendant does not have sufficient assets to pay the replacement money, he will be sentenced to imprisonment for four years.

The verdict was reported by the Case Investigation Information System (SIPP) of the Makassar District Court regarding the judge PT Makassar stated an appeal from the defendant's legal adviser and the public prosecutor.

In addition, the Chairman of the Makkasau Court also decided to amend the court's decision on corruption at the Makassar District Court number 112/Pid.Sus-Tipikor/2022/PN.Mks dated May 9, 2023, especially regarding imprisonment.

By deciding that the defendant Andri Yusuf was not legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption continuously as in the Primair indictment. Free the defendant therefore from the Primair indictment.

Confirmed separately, the Head of the Special Crimes Section (Kasipidsus) of the Makassar Kejari Arifuddin Ahmad confirmed the verdict, but it was two years lower than the Makassar District Court (PN) verdict, which was 10 years in prison, so his party filed an appeal.

"On Monday, we got a copy of the Makassar High Court's decision. Therefore, today we have just filed an appeal," said Arifuddin briefly in response to a copy of the verdict.

Previously, Chief Justice Muh Yusuf Karim in the trial at the Makassar District Court sentenced the defendant to 10 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 500 million, subsidiary to four months in prison. The verdict was based on the facts of the trial that the defendant Andri Yusuf was found guilty according to the indictment of a subsidiary of the Public Prosecutor.

The defendant was also sentenced to an additional penalty in the form of replacement money amounting to Rp26 billion. If the defendant does not pay the replacement money no later than one month after the inkrah decision or has permanent legal force, then his property is confiscated by the Prosecutor and auctioned off to cover the replacement money.

However, if in the event that the convict does not have sufficient assets to pay the replacement money, he will be sentenced to an additional six years in prison.

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