YOGYAKARTA In this article, the chronology of Guruh Soekarnoputra's house will be confiscated by the South Jakarta District Court.

Later, there was a lot of news about Guruh Soerkanoputra's house located in Kebayoran, precisely on Jalan Sriwijaya 2 Number 9, to be executed by the South Jakarta District Court on August 3, 2023. This happened after Guruh's house was sued by a woman named Susy Angkawijaya in a case that began in 2014.

This case began when Guruh Soekarnoputra and Susy Angkawijaya were involved in buying and selling land and buildings in 2011. Susy claims that this process has been listed in a notary.

"This case concerns civility, regarding the sale and purchase of land and buildings. It happened in 2011 between the seller and the buyer already at the notary of buying and selling, there was even an emptying deed," said lawyer Susy Angkawijaya, Jhon Redo, at the South Jakarta District Court on Monday, July 17, 2023, quoted by VOI.

Next, in 2014, the name of the owner in the house certificate has returned to Susy.

"It was written in the certificate that the original owner was previously Muhammad Guruh Soekarno Putra in the certificate. Now ownership has been transferred to Mrs. Susy," said Jhon.

After undergoing a long legal process, Guruh is said to be reluctant to move from the land and buildings, even though the sale and purchase process and transfer of name have been completed.

Finally, there was a lawsuit against Guruh, Guruh filed a lawsuit with the South Jakarta District Court because he wanted to cancel the sale and purchase. However, the lawsuit filed by Guruh was not granted.

"In the lawsuit at the South Jakarta District Court, it includes here that Pak Guruh's lawsuit that wanting to cancel the sale and purchase was not granted, the appeal in the DKI High Court was not granted, the cassation to the Supreme Court was not granted, rejected, then he PK after the PK inkrah, from the Supreme Court also appealed. He is a PK, we are filing an execution, "explained John.

After Susy's side filed an execution, Guruh again filed a lawsuit against the execution. However, again the lawsuit was rejected by the South Jakarta District Court.

South Jakarta District Court Explanation Regarding Teacher's Home Problems

The South Jakarta District Court has opened its voice regarding the case of confiscation of the house occupied by Guruh Soekarnoputra.

Public Relations of the South Jakarta District Court, Djuyamto, said that the execution of the house confiscation was part of the civil law process that Susy won.

He said the case began with Guruh's lawsuit. However, the lawsuit was later rejected by the court after Susy sued back and his lawsuit was granted by the South Jakarta District Court judges.

"Starting from the lawsuit filed by the plaintiff, Guruh Soekarnoputro, in 2014 who sued Susy Angkawijaya. The lawsuit was rejected because there was a lawsuit or a lawsuit against Susy Angkawijaya and it turned out that Susy's lawsuit by the judge was granted. May 2, 2026, the lawsuit was won by Susy," said Djuyamto.

In fact, continued Djuyamto, until the cassation stage, the defendant still won.

"This means that in every court process up to the cassation of Susy Angkawijaya, who is now the applicant for the execution, it is stated that the party won," said Djuyamto.

Therefore, Susy submitted a request for the execution of the confiscation of Guruh Soekarnoputra's house.

"It has been followed up by the South Jakarta District Court with a stipulation number 95/executed at pdg 2019 in conjunction with June 757/pdtg 2014 of the South Jakarta District Court," said Djuyamto.

That's information about the chronology of Guruh Soekarno Putra's house to be confiscated by the District Court. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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