The defendant Donald Amrullah was sentenced to two years and six months in prison for committing fraud in the procurement of equipment at the East Lampung Regency Empowerment and Village Community Service (PMD).

The decision was conveyed by the Chief Justice of the Panel of Judges, Samsumar Hidayat in a verdict hearing held at the Tanjungkarang District Court, Bandarlampung, Monday, July 17.

"Sentenced the defendant to two years and six months in prison," he said as quoted by ANTARA.

Previously, the defendant was sentenced to imprisonment by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) Tri Joko for two years. Upon the verdict, the defendant and the prosecutor stated that they accepted.

The defendant Donald Amrullah underwent a trial at the Tanjungkarang District Court, Bandarlampung regarding fraud in the procurement of equipment at the Village Empowerment and Community Service (PMD) of East Lampung Regency.

The defendant, who is the Director of CV Dani Putra, was charged with fraud against the Mandiri Village smart village project as many as 100 villages belonging to the PMD Office in East Lampung Regency.

At that time, he was mentioned in the prosecutor's indictment, looking for investors who would fund a smart village application procurement project in as many as 100 villages in East Lampung Regency.

Then the information reached the ears of the victim Abdurrachman, and then immediately approached the defendant to his residence in Bandarlampung.

At that time the victim claimed to be confident in becoming an investor, for one reason because the defendant claimed to have received an appointment from the Head of the East Lampung Village Community Empowerment Office.

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