YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever heard of Gamal Albinsaid? He is a health innovator, as well as a social entrepreneur who first initiated a Waste Insurance Clinic or Garbage Clinical Insurance for underprivileged people. For people who want to seek treatment, the method is quite easy, only carrying garbage as a substitute for medical expenses.

The man who was born in Malang, September 8, 1989, studied in his homeland. After graduating from SMP Negeri 3 Malang, he explored the acceleration class at SMA Negeri 3 Malang and graduated in 2007. Gamal after that studied at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya. He successfully graduated Cum Laude with IPK 3, 69.

Having had an internship at the Syaiful Anwar Malang Regional General Hospital, Gamal then continued his studies to the master level at the same university. At the age of 25, he admits the Cambridge Program Sustainability Leadership.

Gamal is not just a random person, during college he has achieved 12 scientific awards from various universities in the country. Not only that, he reached the HRH The Prince of Wales Young Sustainability Entrepreneur Prize 2014 award which was held by Cambridge University, England, and Unilever.

This is because of Gamal's breakthrough in establishing the Waste Insurance Clinic which works on health insurance with premium waste for underprivileged residents. This congestion is also related because of the story of a scavenger's child named Khaerunnisa who died due to diarrhea in his father's trash cart. Khaerunnisa can not be treated for payment.

This Gamal innovation also found an appreciation from President Vladmir Putin when he was invited to Russia to share inspiration in front of 25.000 participants from 150 countries in the world during the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students which was held on October 15, 2015.

As a young figure who continues to innovate, he carries out a breakthrough as a social entrepreneur in the digital world. Gamal founded Homedika, a digital platform that connects health workers and health facilities with residents to distribute health services.

Not only that, he also founded Who Cares, platform

crowdfunding for health financing to help people who are less able to obtain health funds with a digital approach, social media, and a volunteer movement.

In 2018, Gamal was elected as Spokesperson for the National Winning Body for Presidential Candidates and Vice Presidential Candidate Prabowo-Sandi took over activist Ratna Sarumpaet. Before the Ratna Sarumpaet case broke out, Sandi said that he had been eyeing Gamal for a long time to join his team.

So after knowing who Albinsaid's goal was, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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