BOGOR - Bogor City Police, West Java, formed a new special team to re-investigate the murder of a teenager named Yubelia Noven Cahya Rejeki (18) which occurred on January 8, 2019 and until now the perpetrator has not been revealed.

Bogor Police Chief Kombe sBismo Teguh Prakoso stated that the police are committed to uncovering and arresting the perpetrators of the murder of Noven for justice and humanity through the formation of a new special team.

"This will be serious, we will pay attention, we will commit to overseeing this case so that the perpetrators are revealed," said Bismo as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, July 6.

The special team consisted of an old investigation team when the incident occurred four years ago and new personnel who would help.

The Bogor City Police will also cooperate with the Forensic Laboratory Center of the National Police Headquarters, relevant agencies and agencies to look for clues to the disclosure of the Noven murder case.

The police team will also visit the Noven family again to ask for the latest information.

The Bogor City Police, said Bismo, will conduct all investigations of 34 old witnesses and new witnesses and re-check the crime scene (TKP) with the National Police Headquarters Laboratory.

According to the Police Chief, the police will use the latest technology to uncover events at the crime scene that were caught on surveillance cameras.

"There are indications that it leads to the perpetrator. To make him a perpetrator or suspicion of him as a perpetrator, of course, he must have sufficient evidence. We cannot just accuse him, but with evidence that can be accounted for," he explained.

Kombes Bismo added that a special team would again ask for information from all parties who might have passed by, dozens of witnesses, family to the victim's girlfriend, who at that time had the initials A.

"So, at this time the police are investigating all the possibilities," he said.

The perpetrator of the stabbing of a student from SMK Baranangsiang, Bogor City, West Java, was caught on a surveillance camera (CCTV) belonging to residents at the scene on Tuesday, January 8, 2019.

The one-minute-six-second CCTV footage shows a stabbing second by an unknown man against the victim.

The man wearing a blue short-sleeved shirt and black trousers was seen waiting at the end of the alley where the incident occurred, precisely on the stairs of the Great Mosque of Riau Street Housing, RT002/RW003, Baranangsiang Village, Bogor.

The stabbing incident occurred at 15.55 WIB. The victim is known as Yubelia Noven Cahya Rejeki, born in Bandung on November 30, 2000, who is a grade XII student at the Baranangsiang Vocational School Clothing School.

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