AMBON - Maluku Regional Police (Polda) will re-clarify cases of rape and persecution by two Bripka SN police and Briptu RS against MS victims.

The Head of Public Relations of the Maluku Regional Police, Kombes M. Roem Ohoirat, said this was done in response to MS's statement, which claimed to have made a false report at the Maluku Regional Police.

MS stated that neither Bripka SN nor Briptu RS were raped in Budget hotel room, Ambon City, Monday (19/6/2023) at around 19.00 WIT.

In fact, MS admitted that he was not persecuted by Bripka SN. The bruises on the victim's face were recognized as the reflex action of Bripka SN who swung his hand after the two of them fought.

MS also admitted that he made a false police report in a drunken state of alcohol. He was forced to make the report because he was annoyed with Bripka SN.

"The exact reason behind the reverse statement submitted by MS is not yet known. In fact, when making a police report, MS was not drunk. We certainly deeply regret the statement from MS in a number of mass media," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, July 3.

Ohoirat said, when MS came to the Maluku Regional Police and made a report, he was not drunk. The victim at that time was conscious and could explain the events that were clearly experienced and runut to investigators, and was stated in the BAP.

"The victim has also signed an oath report that what was conveyed was true," said Ohoirat.

Regarding MS's statement, Ohoirat emphasized that investigators did not only rely on witness statements. Investigators have processed the crime scene (TKP) and secured other evidence at the crime scene.

"Investigators have also secured other evidence at the TKP, where the evidence and witness statements are interrelated and support the incident," he explained.

According to him, regarding the reasons that underlie MS so that he changes his mind with the report on the rape case, it is not known for sure.

The Maluku Regional Police regretted MS who actually gave a response in the media. In fact, the problem is still in the process of being investigated.

Supposedly, MS's statements in a number of media were clearly conveyed in front of the investigators who handled it, not by calling the media. Because it actually raises suspicion from both investigators and the public.

"We regret that MS actually gave his response to the media because the case is currently in the process of investigating the Police for the report he made himself. Investigators have also collected all evidence in processing the case," he said.

To confirm the case, in the near future investigators will invite MS and all related parties to clarify.

"We will again clarify. If MS or the suspect or certain parties find an element of case engineering, it will increase the case and will be prosecuted according to applicable regulations," said Ohoirat.

On the other hand, the case that MS reported was not a complaint offense. This is a pure crime so that investigators can continue the case based on evidence found at the crime scene.

"The Maluku Police will continue the process of violating the code of ethics against the two personnel because their actions have been proven to tarnish the good name of the National Police institution," he said.

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