JAKARTA - The City Government of South Jakarta Administration deployed 139 officers of the supervisory cross-section of sacrificial animals on Eid al-Adha 1444 Hijriah to ensure its implementation according to Islamic sharia. "The number of officers on the day H to the day of tasyrik is 139 people to inspect places for slaughtering sacrificial animals," said Head of the South Jakarta Food, Maritime and Agriculture Security Service (KPKP) Hasudungan A. Sidabalok when contacted in Jakarta, Wednesday, June 28. The combined officers said 110 people came from the DKI Jakarta Provincial KPKP Office and the South Jakarta KPKP Sub-Department, 11 people from the Indonesian Veterinary Association (PDHI), and 18 people from the seventh semester student of the Bogor Agricultural School of Veterinary Medicine (IPB). Then, there was also the examination of sacrificial animal slaughter on D-day supervised by the Ministry of Agriculture totaling 13 people. "It is hoped that with the deployment of these officers the implementation of sacrificial animal slaughter will run smoothly fulfilling the Islamic law," he said. Previously, the South Jakarta City Administration Government socialized the procedure for slaughtering sacrificial animals according to Islamic law to hundreds of sembeli interpreters in the region. "The critical point that causes animal meat is not halal is the way of slaughtering animals that is not in accordance with Islamic religious law," said Deputy Mayor of South Jakarta Administration, Edi Sumantri in the socialization. in Jakarta, Monday, June 26.

According to Edi, with this socialization, it is hoped that the pembelih interpreters will gain knowledge to ensure that animal slaughter meets Islamic law, namely safe, healthy, intact and halal (ASUH). Moreover, he continued, the slaughter process must pay attention to two aspects at once, namely halal and animal welfare. The South Jakarta Food, Maritime and Agriculture Security Service has routinely carried out socialization and assistance to cattle breeders including the South Jakarta Dairy Cattle Breeder Association (PPSP-SP). The socialization is related to preventing environmental pollution from business activities carried out.

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