The leadership of Muhammadiyah University Makassar is conducting an investigation regarding the alleged violence against a new student from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK) while participating in student activities in the Yonif 700 Raider area, Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan, Makassar City, South Sulawesi.

"We have coordinated with the University's Ethics and Advocacy Honorary Council (DKEA), and Unismuh Leaders to follow up on this incident, including conducting further investigations," said Deputy Dean III of FKIK Unismuh Makassar, doctor Asdar, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 26.

The victim, Muhammad Fathan, a new student of the Faculty of Medicine, attended a cadre with hundreds of other students through 'Achieve the Skills of A Leadership of Training' (Achilles) for four days 22-24 June 2023.

During the cadre period, the victim was suspected of being abused by his seniors, and had to be hospitalized. However, the campus leadership has not confirmed the alleged acts of violence and called them incidents that are currently under investigation and investigation.

"We emphasize that FKIK and Unismuh do not tolerate violence in any form. We hope this incident can be a lesson for all of us. We have also apologized to the family for this incident," said doctor Asdar.

The activity involved 264 new students in the 2022 class. During the activity from Thursday to Sunday, as Deputy Dean III, he was present every day to ensure smoothness and safety of activities. The medical assistance team was also present to monitor the health condition of the participants.

"There was also security from members of Infantry Battalion 700 Riders. In general, the activities were carried out in an orderly manner according to the agenda. However, we missed this activity, there were incidents or accidents, so we canceled the peak activities outside the room," he told reporters.

From the chronology of the incident, the opening began on Thursday (22/6), but the provision of material was only carried out on Friday (23/6). However, on Saturday (24/6), Fathan's victim complained of illness, then was given the first medical treatment, then the committee was escorted to the Unhas Hospital.

While at the hospital, the victim admitted that his senior was beaten on Saturday morning at 00.20 WITA. Following the evening, the committee also took other participants, namely Muh Rafly and Iksan, on Sunday morning to the hospital for complaining of illness.

Students who experienced the incident, he said, had undergone further observation and examination at the hospital. Based on the results of the ultrasound examination and CT Scan, Fathan's condition is in good condition. And the other two students were declared in good health and certainly not as in the news circulating.

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