SORONG - The Provincial Government of Southwest Papua (PBD) has prepared a budget of IDR 2 trillion sourced from the provincial budget for the construction of provincial government offices at KM 16, to be precise at the Wombik Stadium, Sorong City.

Acting Governor of Southwest Papua Muhammad Musa'ad explained that the central government had provided funds for the construction of offices in four DOB areas amounting to Rp6.6 trillion. The rest is the responsibility of each province.

"So we have prepared Rp2 trillion to help with office development," said Musa'ad as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 21.

The area of office construction, said Musa'ad, is 55 hectares of land and will be added to the land that is being sought to be purchased with a land area of 30 hectares.

Previously, the land belonged to the Sorong Regency Government but had been donated to the Sorong City Government and then donated to the Southwest Papua Provincial Government.

In this regard, the Southwest Papua Provincial Government is also submitting an application for the issuance of a new Minister of Home Affairs Regulation (Permendagri) for the amendment to Permendagri 87 of 2019 concerning the transfer of land status to belong to the Provincial Government of Southwest Papua.

"This effort is to clarify that the capital city of Southwest Papua is in Sorong City," said Musa'ad.

Musa'ad said that most of the office financing for the Southwest Papua Provincial Government would be borne by the APBN. This year's budget has been planned. The office development guard task force from the Ministry of PUPR has also been formed.

"From the APBN worth Rp6.6 trillion for four DOBs, then divided into four DOBs each get three to four trillion, then two more trillion will be supported by the APBD," said Musa'ad.

There are certain parts, said Musa'ad, it is the responsibility of the APBD. For example, the master plan is borne by the APBD while the office building is borne by the APBN or vice versa.

"We will follow this part from the center as to what kind of direction," said Musa'ad.

The target for completing the office construction, said Musa'ad, is in accordance with the direction from the Center that it will be completed before President Joko Widodo's leadership period ends.

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