PALANGKARAYA - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of Central Kalimantan (Kalteng) continues to strengthen efforts to prevent and handle forest and land fires (karhutla) in order to create 2023 Smoke Mist-Free Central Kalimantan.

"The provincial government has set the Karhutla Disaster Emergency Alert Status so that the handling in the field is more optimal. This status is valid for 167 days, from May 29, 2023 to November 10, 2023," said Central Kalimantan Regional Secretary Nuryakin, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, June 12.

The 2023 Smoke-Free Central Kalimantan is very important to realize, considering that if the smog occurs it will have many negative impacts on various lines of people's lives, both in terms of health, economy, and others.

He explained that the challenges faced in handling forest and land fires in 2023 were heavier than the last three years, because the potential for drought was longer and drier, until El Nino occurred.

Based on data from forest and land fires which continues to be monitored by the Central Kalimantan Karhutla Crisis Post until May 31, 2023, hotspots refer to data from the BRIN hotspot as many as 970 hotspots spread over 14 districts and cities, while the forest and land fires reported by districts/cities were 161 incidents.

As for April 2023, hotspots were found at 220 points, while in May it increased to 375 points. Forest and land fires incident in April as many as 16 incidents while in May 2023 increased to 51 times.

"For this reason, as a follow-up to the determination of our Karhutla Emergency Alert Status with relevant agencies, we continue to strengthen the various things needed," he said.

The Acting Head of the Central Kalimantan Disaster Management and Fire Management Agency (BPBPK) Ahmad Toyib explained, in the near future the provincial government will hold an inspection of the title of personnel and infrastructure as preparedness for the 2023 forest and land fires.

Toyib said that this activity was planned to be attended by the Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Lt. Gen. Suharyanto, who had scheduled his working visit to Central Kalimantan on June 16, 2023.

"This visit also reviews the readiness of the Central Kalimantan Provincial Government together with the Karhutla Control Task Force in anticipating and overcoming the potential for forest and land fires on various scales, both small, medium and large," he said.

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