BATAM - Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Sakti Wahyu Trenggono ensured that sand exploration activities resulting from sea sedimentation did not interfere with fishing. "It's not (disturbed), we're not massive, right? We'll see where the study team studies are. Instead (the sedimentation) is disturbing, disturbing fishermen. The ship can't pass and so on," he said when met in Batam, Antara, Friday, June 9. However, if it is deemed disturbing the activities of fishermen, it will be stopped based on the decisions and considerations of the study team. Currently, the government is drafting derivative regulations from PP Number 26 of 2023 concerning Management of Sedimentary Results in the Sea in the form of Ministerial Regulation (Permen). With the absence of technical regulations from the PP that was promulgated on May 15, 2023, Trenggono is also worried about reclamation activities using materials that are not the result of sedimentation so that it can damage the environment. "In some places, we allow reclamation. Now that's the reclamation that we are very worried that if we don't provide it from sedimentation, he will take it from materials, not sedimentation results, which means environmental damage. Like the loss of the island, for example Rupat Island, which was sucked in (pasir), we will stop it," he said again. With the lack of completion of PP derivative rules Number 26 of 2023, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) will take firm action in the form of arrests if sand dredging activities are found resulting from marine sedimentation. Previously reported, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono said that sea sand exports could be carried out on condition that the sand was the result of sedimentation and domestic needs had been met. In the future, in the process of utilizing the results of sea sand sedimentation, a study team consisting of the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Transportation, Center for Hydro-Oceanography, academics, and non-governmental organizations related to the environment will be determined.

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