PDIP And Supporting Party Ganjar Will Sit Together To Finalize Vision-Misi And Work Program
PDIP DPP Chairman Ahmad Basarah/PHOTO: Wardhany Tsa Tsia

JAKARTA - The PDI-P (PDIP) will sit down with other parties that support Ganjar Pranowo as a presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election. They will discuss the vision and mission and program that will be brought by the Governor of Central Java.

"Later on, when it is considered appropriate to decide that the political parties participating in the cooperation of supporters of Mr. Ganjar Pranowo are definitive, then the vision and mission and program will be discussed (for the finalization, ed) together," said PDIP DPP chairman Ahmad Basarah to reporters at the PDIP DPP Party School, Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta, Wednesday, June 7.

After discussion, the vision and mission and program will be finalized. However, Basarah said, the process cannot be carried out now because the party in collaboration with PDIP in the 2024 presidential election is still dynamic.

"The parties participating in politics are still not definitive, yesterday we got a friendly visit with PAN and the next plan may be 1 or 2 days in the future there will be another political party," he said.

Furthermore, Basarah said that the vision and mission and programs that will be discussed with other Ganjar supporting parties have actually been formulated. Balitbangpus PDIP and Megawati Institute participated in this process together with experts two years ago.

In addition, discussions were also held in Rakernas III. This long process occurred because PDIP felt that vision and mission were an important part of building the nation in the future.

"This vision and mission and program will be an important part of the roadmap for the development of the Indonesian nation for the next 5 years, so the program's vision and mission has begun to be drawn up in advance," concluded Basarah.

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