YOGYAKARTA - Clashes in Yogja occurred on Sunday, June 4, 2023 between PSHT and Brajamusti. The two groups of times filled the Jalan Taman Siswa Yogyakarta.

PSHT stands for the Setia Hati Terate Brotherhood. A pencak silat organization that is part of the Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (IPSI).

Meanwhile, Brajamusti is a football club supporter in Jogja, PSIM. PSIM which has been established since September 5, 1929.

The incident of clashes between PSHT and Brajamusti in the Tamansisi area was triggered by the incident in Parang Tritis on 27 May 2023.

Clashes in Parangtritis occurred when an individual from Brajamusti was holding an event with a loud enough sound of music.

The event which took place at the Pondok Bambo Rando Villa on Jalan Parangtritis RT007, Kalurahan Parangtritis, Kapanewon Kretek brought a long tail.

Starting from the sound of music that did not subside until 01.00 WIB, it triggered the arrival of Ali Susanto Joko Saputro and a number of residents to enter the sound of music.

There, the arrival of Ali who is also the husband of a member of the DIY DPRD, Tustiyani was not welcomed and even caused a beating with a sharp weapon which resulted in Ali suffering cuts to the hands and head. Ali, who was rushed to the hospital, received 16 stitches to his hands and six stitches to his head.

Ali is a member of the PSHT (Setia Hati Terate) which sparked anger by hundreds of PSHT members who then came to the Bantul Police on May 29, 2023. They asked to immediately arrest the Brajamusti person. The police at that time claimed to have pocketed the names of the attackers.

On June 4 at 16.30-17.00 the PSHT group arrived to the headquarters of PSIM and Brajamusti. The group was intercepted by Brajamusti in the Gor Amongrogo area on Kenari which is adjacent to the Mandala Krida area.

The clashes were inevitable by throwing stones between groups which made local residents also involved and caused even greater riots.

At 17.30 WIB: The intersection of the Mandala Krida Stadium and the Among Rogo GOR located on Kenari Street was closely guarded by the police who guarded the mass group from entering Mandala Krida.

On the one hand, the guard is also focused on the Mandala Krida Region because there will be concerts at Raissa, Vierratale and Ndarboy which will take place in the evening.

At 17.46 WIB: the PSHT group was directed out of Kenari Street to Kusumanegara Street.

At 18.15 WIB: the PSHT group on Jalan Kusumanegara was directed to Jalan Tamansiswa.

At 18.55 WIB: the PSHT group which was already on the Tamansiswa street was then asked to turn back to the north of Tamansiswa Street because it was suspected that another mass group had been waiting south of Tamansiwa Street. However, clashes have already occurred.

At 20.00 WIB: The clashes had subsided, the rock and broken glass were shaking on the road. The PSHT group was finally secured by the police and taken to the Yogyakarta Regional Police.

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