The natural fire Tri Suci Vesak from Mrapen, Grobogan Regency, Central Java was sacred in Mendut Temple, Magelang Regency, Central Java by sangha monks, clergy, and Buddhist assemblies.

The Tri Suci Vesak natural fire arrived at the Mendut Temple on Thursday afternoon, immediately taken to the altar in the courtyard of the Mendut Temple. The monks then took the fire to light a number of colorful candles.

After lighting the candles, the monks and the congregation did the pradaksina or walked around the Mendut Temple with three clockwise steps.

After the pradaksina, each Sangha performs puja bakti in front of the altar.

Deputy Chairperson of the Vesak Committee 2567 BE/2023 Bikin Dhammavuddho Thera said that today the Indonesian Buddhists represented by Walubi have taken eternal fire in Mrapen, Grobogan Regency.

"The fire was then buried in the Mendut Temple for prayer today before being used for the Vesak ceremony on Sunday," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, June 2.

He said that the pradaksina at the Mendut Temple was attended by around 300 monks and 400 people.

Chairman of the DPP Walubi S. Hartati Murdaya explained that fire is a large energy source needed in life.

"We all need it. So the fire becomes a symbol of emotion, of course useful emotions in the form of lighting," he said.

He mentioned the Vesak theme this year, "The actualization of Dharma's Buddhist teachings in everyday life", because people study theory easily, while in practice it is not easy, there are conflicts and so on.

"We from Walubi hope that in the future there will be no conflict, so that everyone can work well," he said.

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