Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD invites all components of the nation to succeed in holding the 2024 General Election as a manifestation of the noble values of Pancasila.

The invitation was conveyed by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs when delivering the mandate of Indonesian President Joko Widodo at the Pancasila Birthday Commemoration Ceremony at Pancasila Square, Ende, East Nusa Tenggara, Thursday.

"I invite all of us to work together to make honest elections safe and peaceful. We must maintain harmony and integrity to create a conducive atmosphere. This is an application and practice of Pancasila values," Mahfud said, quoting Antara.

The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs emphasized that the spirit and spirit of Pancasila must be realized within the framework of thinking, acting, and society of each individual so that the value of humanity and national solidarity can be realized.

Mahfud emphasized that every component of the nation must realize the importance of building the character of the nation which is based on the values of Pancasila.

"Bung Karno has provided the basis that the values of Pancasila and nationalism must continue to be built and passed on to the next generations," said Mahfud.

Therefore, Mahfud also advised all parties to commit together to strengthening the identity and character of the nation and maintaining tolerance and harmony in everyday life.

"Continue to work and carry out activities without limits by utilizing advances in information and communication technology to improve unity and integrity, which of course will help build civilization," he said.

Also present at the Pancasila Birthday Commemoration Ceremony at Pancasila Square were NTT Deputy Governor Josef A. Nae Soi and Ende Regent Djafar Achmad.

Regent Endje Djafar Achmad revealed that his staff had held several activities before the peak of the celebration of the Birthday of Pancasila such as the National Parade on land and at sea.

"Last night we held a holy reflection. Only in Ende. This is a form of respect for Pancasila. From Ende to Indonesia," said Djafar.

Ende hosted the peak of the anniversary of Pancasila's Birthday, considering the existence of a house of exile Soekarno with a breadfruit tree known to be the location for the Proclaimer to reflect and find the essence of the values of Pancasila.

The site is one of the tourist destinations that continues to be developed by the Ende Regency Government so that the history of Bung Karno's struggle in formulating the values of Pancasila remains imprinted on the young generation of the Indonesian nation.

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