What Is Adem Scholarship? This Is Understanding, Latest Schedule, And Requirements For Getting It
Illustration of students in West Papua (Between)

YOGYAKARTA The Adem Scholarship can be an opportunity for people who want to get access to better education. Unfortunately not all students know what Adem scholarships are. To get information, see the following article.

Quoted from the Puslapdik Kemendidristek website, the Secondary Education Affirmation (Adem) scholarship is educational assistance provided for students who graduated from SMP/MTs equivalent who live in domicile and come from the Papua Region, Special Region and Repatriation, which can be used to continue secondary education.

The Adem Scholarship started in 2013. At that time, the Ministry of Education and Culture held the program for students at high school levels in Papua and West Papua. Over time, the target for the Adem scholarship was extended to students from repatriated families, such as migrant workers or migrant workers in the Sabah and Serawak areas, Malaysia.

Most recently, the schedule for the Adem scholarship has been opened as of May 22, 2023 and closed on June 9, 2023. For students who want to register, there are a number of requirements that must be met, namely as follows, quoted from the official Ministry of Education Affirmation website.

Bagi siswa yang ingin mendaftarkan diri dalam program beasiswa Adem bisa mengunjungi situs https://afirmasipendidikan.kemdikbud.go.id/.

In addition to what Adem scholarships are related, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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