This is the first time that health workers have demonstrated. According to the Secretary General of the Indonesian Dental Association (PDGI) drg. Tritarayati Dance, SH., MHKes., they were forced to protest because there were essential issues that had to be straightened out. (Photo of Savic Rabos, DI Raga VOI)

JAKARTA - One of the crucial issues that is being discussed in the Health Bill is the matter of tobacco that is equated with drugs. Because both of them both have addictive substances that have a negative impact on health. If this is allowed for a long time, it will affect health. That's why the Secretary General of PDGI drg. Tritarayati dance, SH., MHKes., emphasized the fact that tobacco is like that. Regarding tobacco farmers who will be affected, according to him, the government can help find a solution for this. Check out the full interview.

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