BANJARMASIN - Banjarmasin Police in collaboration with Resmob Sub-Directorate III of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Kalimantan Police arrested two perpetrators of breaking into a gold shop that buried one kilogram of stolen gold.
"We arrested two perpetrators on Thursday (18/5) at around 04.00 WITA on Jalan Ahmad Yani, Bati Bati District, Tanah Laut Regency when they were about to escape to Batu Licin," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Banjarmasin Police, Kompol Thomas Afrian, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, May 19.
The two perpetrators had fought back and were immediately given measured action in the form of gunfire on the legs.
After being arrested, the two perpetrators were taken to West Banjarmasin to a place where evidence was stored in the form of gold at the Belitung Darat House.
"The perpetrator had planned the day before the incident, we found one kilogram of gold put in a plastic thermos and then wrapped in a cloth and buried in the ground around the yard of the house," he said.
Kompol Thomas Afrian explained that on Tuesday (16/5) at around 04.00 WITA, the perpetrator Rahmatullah (39) Alias Atung carried out the burglary of the Ratna Sudhampir Banjarmasin Gold Shop assisted by his colleague Riski Akrimi (19) Alias Angking.
Atung climbed the second floor of the shop through a billboard pole in front of the shop and then tore the shop's second floor zinc with scissors and then broke through the ceiling and entered.
The perpetrators of Atung headed to the gold storage area, namely the safe and damaged it using a Gerinda assisted by Angking.
The perpetrator took action for about two hours and at 06.00 WIB he fled from the scene leaving evidence in the form of a headgear and gloves, then the victim on behalf of David Limantan reported the incident to the Banjarmasin Police at around 10.00 WITA.
It didn't take long, the Banjarmasin Police together with a joint team from the South Kalimantan Police managed to apprehend the perpetrator within two 24 hours.
The joint team managed to find evidence in the form of one kilogram of badminton, namely a pair of earrings, 37 bracelets, 25 necklaces, then equipment in the form of players' eyes, hammers, head covering masks, gloves and steel pieces of safes that the perpetrators were fined.
Currently, the perpetrator on behalf of Atung is being held at the Banjarmasin Police, while Angking is still undergoing treatment at the hospital due to a shot in the leg for his resistance.
He said the loss reached Rp1 billion and for his actions the perpetrator was charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code (KUHP) for the crime of theft with news, which is punishable by a maximum imprisonment of seven years.
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