JAKARTA - There is something different that Setiabudi Police have done to intensify security services for the community. The law enforcement sector, which is located in one of the sub-districts in South Jakarta, is collaborating with Putri Indonesia 2022 Laksmi Shari De Neefe Suardana and former Minister of Education and Culture, Wardiman Djjonegoro, to socialize call center 110 services.

Setiabudi Police Chief Kompol Arif Purnama Oktora said in an activity entitled 'Let's record and find a solution that was held at the Westin Hotel Jakarta, Setiabudi, South Jakarta. He asked the public to report if they experienced disturbances to Kamtibmas.

"Socializing the aid service number of the Setiabudi Metro Police and public complaint service 110 if necessary, please contact the service," Arif said in his statement, Tuesday, May 16.

Furthermore, in addition to intensifying call center services, Arif also invited all parties to be involved in maintaining Kamtibmas so that the surrounding environmental situation is safe and comfortable.

"Requesting the security situation at the hotel and ensuring CCTV around the hotel is alive, there are no obstacles," he concluded.

The presence of contact center 110 POLRI is intended to meet people's expectations and needs for the implementation of public security services.

People who will make a call to access number 110 will immediately connect to agents who will provide services in the form of information, reporting accidents, disasters to riots.

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