BOGOR - Cases of housewives and pregnant women affected by HIV in Bogor Regency show an increasing trend. Most of the reports due to exposure to husbands are suspected of having sexual activities. Data from the Institute for Strategic Studies (Lekas), in 2021 there were a total of 428 cases of HIV/AIDS in Bogor Regency. Meanwhile, in 2022, it increased to 747 HIV/AIDS. Well, 42 of them are HIV positive pregnant women. Yes, there is a trend of increasing cases of housewives and pregnant women affected by HIV, said Chairman of the Institute for Strategy Studies (Lekas), Muksin ZA in his statement, Monday 15 May. He said, the high number of cases of housewives and pregnant women was HIV positive because of the number of open BO husbands aka jan'' prostitutes. Pregnant women and housewives are exposed to couples who have risky sex behaviors. Among them are often open BOs,' he said. He said, increasing cases of pregnant women and HIV positive housewives should be a serious concern of the Bogor Regency Government. Because if not handled seriously it is not impossible that cases of HIV positive housewives continue to soar. The government must be present, he explained.

Meanwhile, said Muksin, the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) found that there were around 5,100 new cases of housewives affected by HIV every year. Of this number, 33 percent of housewives can be confirmed positive for HIV Meanwhile, in general, this causes HIV transmission through the mother-to-child route by 20-45 percent

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