Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin ordered the North Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office to objectively examine the prosecutor with the initials EKT who is suspected of extorting the families of the perpetrators of drug crimes in Batubara Regency.

"The person in question has been temporarily removed from his prosecutor's position, and withdrawn to the North Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office for surveillance examination," said Burhanuddin as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, May 14.

Dalam pengawasan tersebut, Burhanuddin memerintahkan pihak Kejaksaan Tinggi Sumatera Utara untuk melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap jaksa EKT, apabila terbukti melakukan tindak pidana, maka sesuai aturan akan diproses hukum dan diberikan hukuman yang sesuai.

Burhanuddin always appealed to all his staff not to mess with the handling of any case, including committing disgraceful acts that could tarnish the image of the Prosecutor's Office.

"I will not be firm as far as the mistakes you make. There is no place for prosecutors to misappropriate their prosecutors' positions," he said.

The Attorney General also gave directions to the Head of the North Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office and his staff to carry out objective examinations, nothing should be covered up in the examination.

"If there are findings, immediately convey them to the media and the public," he said. He also asked the North Sumatra Kajati to take quick action to examine all the witnesses involved.

"There is no tolerance for law enforcement officials, in this case the prosecutor, to commit irregularities. Immediately report to the leadership the results in stages," said Burhanuddin.

News that the prosecutor blackmailed the family of the perpetrator of a drug crime in Batub Regency, North Sumatra was busy after a video recording of the prosecutor went viral on social media.

In the video circulating on social media, it was taken secretly by the perpetrator's family, showing the prosecutor suspected of extortion. In the video, the family's voice can be heard saying that they have handed over Rp5 million for the fourth time.

"This is Rp 5 million. First, with mothers Rp. 20 million, that's an increase of Rp. 5 million, plus Rp. 5 million more, 30," said the voice in the video.

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