The PDI-P (PDIP) installed its body after President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was accused of being too far away in dealing with the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres). This kind of thing is actually considered not something new because the previous president also often held political meetings ahead of the five-year contestation. The statement was made by the Secretary General of PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto in response to the statements of the 10th Vice President and 12 Jusuf Kalla. He mentioned that JK had also served as the Steering Committee for the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin National Campaign Team (TKN) in the 2019 Presidential Election. "Yes, actually this was also done earlier by the previous president. Then even Mr. JK spoke and he was also the steering board in the campaign team from Mr. Jokowi-Kiai Haji Ma’rif Amin (in the 2019 presidential election, ed)," said Hasto to reporters at Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium (SUGBK), Central Jakarta, Monday, May 8. PDIP does not want to bother with JK's statement. For Hasto, everyone has the freedom to express their opinion. Moreover, the meeting of the coalition supporting the government who did not invite the NasDem Party discussed the issue of the interests of the nation. "But of course, Mr. JK is of the opinion, yes, he does have the freedom to express his opinion," he said. "As the party who at that time heard directly from Megawati Soekarnoputri, regarding what was being discussed at the State Palace, it was something that was really related to the interests of the nation and state in the future," continued Hasto. Meanwhile, regarding the absence of NasDem, Hasto taught this. Moreover, the party created by Surya Paloh has carried out its presidential candidate, the former Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan. "Why was Mr. Surya Paloh not invited, it was very clear about the explanation from Mr. President Jokowi, because from the track record submitted by Mr. Anies Baswedan, it also shows things that are different in nature," he said. However, Hasto ensured that President Jokowi would still listen to input from any party. Including those who have different views. "As a figure who continues to listen to criticism, listen to input, and his leadership embraces, Mr. Jokowi listens to all aspects, input, criticism, and so on," he said. Previously, Vice President Jusuf Kalla asked President Jokowi to follow his predecessors, Megawati and SBY, who did not interfere much in political affairs near the end of their term of office. This is intended so that democracy in Indonesia can run well. "In my opinion, the President should be like Mrs. Mega, SBY, it will end so it doesn't get too far involved in liking or dislikes politics. To make it more democratic," said JK after receiving a visit from PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar alias Cak Imin, at his residence, Jalan Brawijaya Number 6, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Saturday night, May 6. JK admitted that he deeply regretted the attitude of the palace which did not invite the NasDem Party at the meeting of the chairman of the coalition party supporting the government at the Presidential Palace some time ago. According to JK, NasDem should have been invited because until now the party chaired by Surya Paloh is still a party supporting the government. Therefore, JK thought the meeting at the Palace was a political discussion. "When the meeting talks, because this is talking about development matters, what is it natural, but when it comes to development, Nasdem should be invited. That means there are political talks," he concluded.

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