JAKARTA - Indonesian President Joko Widodo had changed cars when conducting a review of damaged roads in Lampung on Friday, May 5.

This was confirmed by the Deputy for Protocol, Press and Media of the Presidential Secretariat Bey Machmudin who said that the replacement of the President's car was carried out on Jalan Seputih Raman, Central Lampung.

"Earlier on Jalan Seputih Raman, when I was walking, I met reporters for doorstop, the President was told to change cars because there were indicators that were on," Bey said via message to the media crew received, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, May 5.

Bey explained that the car the President was traveling in was actually still running.

However, because there was an indicator that turned on, the Paspampres Commander Major General TNI Rafael Granada Baay suggested that the President change cars.

According to Bey, the President then conducted a review of the damaged roads by riding a sickle/suv type car.

On the other hand, the President also had time to refuse an offer to ride a helicopter during his working visit in Lampung.

According to Bey, the President insisted on continuing to use the car so that he could feel the damaged roads firsthand.

"If I ride a helicopter, how can I feel the damaged road? No need, I don't have to use a helicopter, I just take a car," said Bey, imitating the President's answer.

The President is known to be on a working visit to Lampung to inspect damaged roads in the province, which have recently gone viral on social media.

The President said that the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) would take over the handling of badly damaged roads in provinces, districts and cities.

"If the local government's financial condition is unable to repair damaged roads, the PUPR Ministry will take over for repairs," said Jokowi after visiting Natar Market in South Lampung Regency, Lampung.

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