JAKARTA One of the security guards at the office of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) with the initials C told how he faced Mustopa (60), launching his action at the MUI Building. C explained that the perpetrator had made harsh words when he wanted to meet the chairman of the MUI.

Then C (witnesses) tried to meet with the secretariat to ask whether or not he could meet the chairman of the MUI.

However, the secretariat said that the chairman of the MUI could not accept it because the perpetrator Mustofa often sent letters with threatening tones.

"I was ordered to come down to secure him. After securing him, sorry sir, I can't meet him for today. You have sent a letter but you told me to wait for the next news. But he forced. He said this, if you don't accept me, I will answer you," C told reporters, Wednesday, May 3.

Then the perpetrator walked and lifted a bag containing a firearm-like object.

"The pistol was filled. Panic, he was shot. But I didn't shoot Alhamdulillah. My shot missed," he said.

C said he had met the perpetrator twice. The beginning met the perpetrator, around 7 am. However, C forgot on the day and date he had met the perpetrator before the incident.

"He was suspicious by bringing a letter that was speaking like a threatening tone. That's all I know. No, as usual (he looks)," he said.

Previously, the shooting incident occurred at the MUI Menteng Office, Central Jakarta on Tuesday, May 2. The shooting occurred at around 10.30 WIB. One MUI employee was injured as a result of being shot by the perpetrator. Meanwhile, Mustofa, the shooter, died while being arrested by officers.

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