JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno admitted that until now he is still in the process of entering or joining as a cadre of the United Development Party (PPP).
" “ It's still a process and we respect the process, there will be an assessment, there will be an approach," Sandiaga said at the Jakarta Presidential Palace complex, Antara, Tuesday, May 2.
The former Gerindra Party politician said that so far he has continued to be in contact with PPP leaders, as well as hearing input from kiai and ulama for his decision to join PPP.
“ Because of course the hope is that in the future there will be a unit of thought to move forward. So friends just be patient, process, PPP also has the internal process they are undergoing, ” he explained.
Sandiaga conveyed that his decision to join PPP was not carried out in a hurry but with great care, to get all forms of input for the progress of the nation.
When asked about the issue of an announcement of a big figure joining PPP next week, Sandiaga just smiled while asking the media crew to be patient.
"We are waiting patiently, because what we have to do is struggle to advance Indonesia. Unite and accelerate development, "said Sandi.
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