JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono ensured that the arrangement of the environment and infrastructure around the train station (KA) in the capital city was carried out optimally.

"The commitment is carried out in collaboration with the central government to improve the comfort and security of public transportation users, especially trains," said Heru, quoting Antara, Sunday, April 30.

Heru announced the start of the expansion of Tanah Abang train station with the Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi. After that, the two of them visited a number of train stations starting from Tanah Abang, Manggarai, Jatinegara and ended up at Senen Train Station.

The review was carried out to see the facilities and infrastructure needed in the arrangement of the station in the future. This is so that train service users are safer, more comfortable and orderly when using the transportation.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government together with PT KAI will reorganize the environment along with facilities and infrastructure around the station.

"As stated by the Minister of Transportation Budi, we will organize it in the Tanah Abang, Jatinegara and Manggarai train stations," said Heru.

At Manggarai Train Station, Heru and the Minister of Transportation had the opportunity to meet with the community of train users. One of the community representatives said that the condition of the Manggarai train station was good.

It's just that walking ladder facilities or escalators need to be improved so that it makes it easier for passengers who want to change train lanes.

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