"DePOK- West Java DPRD Member Hasbullah Rahmad is optimistic that the Depok City Government can dispose of waste to the Waste Processing and Processing Site (TPPAS) Lulut Nambo which is located in Bogor Regency in 2023." (TPPAS) Lulut Nambo 2023 can be operational. Optimistic Depok began to dispose of (garbage) this year," said Hasbullah Rahmad, in Depok, Saturday, April 29. The operational acceleration according to Hasbullah Rahmad who sits in the Budget Agency (Banggar) of the West Java DPRD has proposed funds for Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) of Rp. 60 billion which manages TPPAS Lulut Nambo. "The most important way of the machine for operation is already installed (the machine) but its volume cannot yet be large, it is not yet appropriate for the initial target," said Member of Commission IV. The man who is familiarly called Bang Has continues to encourage the acceleration of waste disposal to ease the burden of the Depok City Government in handling of waste. The current condition of Cipayung TPA has exceeded capacity and is considered to have an impact on the surrounding environment. "I'm the council from Depok trying to maximize the acceleration of waste disposal to Nambo. I'm worried about landslides and flooding because (TPA Cipayung) is close to time," he said. He explained that the operation of TPPAS Lulut Nambo requires a very large investment. The price of machinery for managing expensive waste in that place will be used as fuel. The waste managed in that place will be made as a question for the fuel, namely briquettet. The machine (for management) the price is expensive and must be ordered from abroad, "he said, quoted by Antara. It reduces the Depok City couta to waste to TPPAS Lulut Nambo for the beginning can be 50 tons per day.," said Hasbullah Rahmad.
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