SEMARANG - Central Java Province won another award and was chosen to be the best performing province at the national level based on the 2022 Regional Government Implementation Report (LPPD). The award was given by Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian to Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo at the Commemoration of the XXVII Regional Autonomy Day in Makassar City, South Sulawesi, Saturday, April 29. In a statement received in Semarang, Central Java, Saturday, Ganjar said the award was the result of the hard work and dedication of the entire ranks of the Central Java Provincial Government, including all ranks who have been dedicated in districts and cities throughout Central Java. "Everything provides support and Alhamdulillah during government management, good governance is an important value and becomes a guide; so that with good planning, the execution will also be good and the results are also relatively good," said Ganjar., including the existing experience, "he explained.

Terkait kelanjutan kinerja dan programdi Jateng, Ganjar yang masa jabatannya selesai pada September 2023 ituberharap ada keberlanjutanprogram yang sudah berjalan dengan baik serta menyempurnakan berbagai kekurangan.Dia berharappenerapangood governance, fondasi integritas, dan gerakan antikorupsidi Jateng tetap bisa berjalan dengan siapa pun gubernur selanjutnya."Ya, kami harapkan semua yang sudah bagus tetap dilanjutkan. Jangan dibongkar-bongkar, tapi seandainya ada yang kurang, tentu saja siapa pun nanti yang akan menjadi gubernur Jawa Tengah, pasti punya inovasi yang jauh lebih baik," ujarnya.

Several districts and cities in Central Java Province also received similar awards. For the best performance category at the city level, Semarang City became the best nationally, followed by Surakarta City in the third position out of 10 participants. Meanwhile, for the district category, two districts in Central Java also received awards, namely Karanganyar Regency and Wonogiri Regency. Central Java is the province with the best performance nationally with a score of 3.714 high performance status or occupies the first position. Furthermore, the Province of the Special Region of Yogyakarta is in second place with a score of 3.621 high performance status, while East Java Province is in third place with a score of 3.613 high performance status.

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