A political observer from the University of Muhammadiyah Kupang (UMK) East Nusa Tenggara, Dr Ahmad Atang said that the determination of Ganjar Pranowo as a Presidential Candidate (Capres) in 2024 could shift the map of a large coalition initiated by a number of political parties. "With the inclusion of Ganjar as a presidential figure, there are three figures, plus Prabowo Subianto and Anies Baswedan, who have been enlivening the results of the survey, have truly become figures who will compete in the upcoming presidential election, so that the idea of a major coalition can simply shift or change," he said when confirmed by Antara in Kupang, Saturday, April 22. He conveyed this related to the appointment of Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo as Presidential Candidate 2024 by the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) Megawati Soekaroputri and her impact on the coalition of political parties. Ahmad said that the determination can be read in two respects, namely first, it is undeniable that Ganjar Pranowo's position as a presidential candidate gets resistance from internal PDIP structurally. In fact, at some point there is discrimination and criminalization against Ganjar's steps. "So with Ganjar's approval as a presidential candidate whether because PDIP is psychologically forced because there are no other figures," he said.

Second, he said, whether Ganjar had been prepared to become a presidential candidate from the start, so that the internal dynamics of PDIP could be read out as a political engineering to increase Ganjar's popularity. Ahmad said, regardless of which one was right between the two things, but factually Ganjar Pranowo has officially become a presidential candidate who will be promoted by PDIP. With Ganjar's presence as a presidential candidate, he said, the coalition map will experience a shift. The grand coalition idea, he said, could shift or change with two possibilities. First, if the major coalition is maintained then the presidential candidate promoted is Prabowo Subianto and PDIP will advance itself with the presidential candidate being promoted. The second possibility, he said, if there is no common ground in the political compromise between PDIP and Gerindra, then the grand coalition will return to the beginning, namely the Greater Indonesia coalition (KIR) will carry Prabowo Subianto and Muhaimin Iskandar, while the Indonesian Coalition (KIB) can join the PDIP to carry Ganjar Pranowo.

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