PALEMBANG - A number of residents of Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency, South Sumatra cleaned nail mines scattered along the road to the homecoming route in Pusar Village, West Baturaja District so as not to endanger motorists. According to Garsubi, one of the residents of Pusar Village, OKU Regency in Baturaja, there are many sharp nails scattered on the local village road, thereby endangering motorists. "It is very dangerous. Moreover, this route is often used by travelers from Baturaja City to Muara Enim Regency," he said at the location, Antara, Friday, April 21. He said that hundreds of stems of the nails were allegedly deliberately spread by irresponsible persons to commit crimes on the highway. In fact, he said, since the last few days, many two- and four-wheeled vehicles have broken tires while crossing the route. "Luckily, this route is crowded with motorists during the day, so there are no crimes because there are still many people in our village," he said. Meanwhile, the OKU Police Chief AKBP Arif Harsono, through the West Baturaja Police Chief Iptu Yusrizal separately, confirmed the reports of nail mines on the Pusar Village route. Yusrizal admitted that he had ordered his members to go to the crime scene (TKP) to find out the truth. His party has also checked the CCTV camera footage belonging to residents around the location to find out who deliberately spread the nails.
"We cannot conclude who the perpetrator is and what the motive is because this case is still in the process of investigating members in the field. However, we urge the community around the navel to remain vigilant when traveling across the route," he said.

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