JAKARTA - Preparing for the arrival of Eid al-Fitr 1444 H, PT Berdikari as part of BUMN Food Holding ID FOOD, checking food security stocks as proof of the presence of SOEs in the community.

Monitoring of food stocks in various regions carried out by Berdikari coincides with the implementation of the Family Vulnerable Stunting (KRS) reduction program. This check is part of the stunting alleviation food assistance program to 1.4 million KRS so that it reaches the people who are entitled and really need it.

Food stock monitoring activities will be held on Sunday, April 16, 2023 at the Berdikari livestock facility in Sidrap, South Sulawesi, which is a follow-up to a series of activities in the month of Ramadan in 2023 by Berdikari.

Previously, Berdikari had carried out food assistance to students and Al-Quran memorizers under the auspices of the Three Mosque Orphanage Foundation, Markaz Hijrah Indonesia, children of the Putra Nusa orphanage, the Babelan District community in Bekasi, and also supported the cheap bazaar held by the government in various locations.

President Director of PT Berdikari Harry Warganegara said that all independent activities are oriented to provide maximum benefits for SOEs for the community and also contribute to the country.

Accident During Firearms

Responding to the explosion of firearms carried out by protocol officers while carrying out a firearm-carrying procedure at the counter for firearms storage at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, Harry apologized.

Even though at the time of the incident he was not at the location of the firearms storage counter, Harry deeply regretted the incident and was grateful that there were no victims.

"I apologize to the public for the inconvenience caused by the incident at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport last Monday," said Harry for the inconvenience caused and felt by several parties ranging from visitors, counter check-in officers, to local airport security personnel.

Harry also explained that the firearms were brought in the context of planning a joint shooting practice session at an official shooting facility in South Sulawesi. Harry hopes that the accident will not be repeated in any environment and emphasizes the importance of always complying with firearms-carrying procedures in accordance with applicable regulations.

Previously, the Head of the Sultan Hasanuddin Airport Police, Iptu Muh. Arsyad, and the Maros Police Chief, AKBP Awaluddin Amin, provided information that before departure checks were in accordance with applicable procedures and conditions at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport. Weapons are not attached to the owner, but are stored in a special box equipped with security and are equipped with the required documents.

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