JAKARTA - The Port Authority and Port Authority Office (KSOP) Class II of Ternate, North Maluku (Malut) guarantees that all travelers of Lebaran in 2023 will be transported, both for inter-island destinations in this province and to other provinces. "Although this year's Eid homecoming is predicted to rise 16 percent from the previous year, but we have prepared as many as 18 ships to serve travelers in the North Maluku region," Head of KSOP Class II Ternate, Rushan Muhammad in Ternate, Saturday, quoted by Antara. A total of 18 ships have prepared inter-island destinations in the North Maluku region, not including ships from PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry Ternate Branch, while for the purpose of other provinces there are seven Pelni ships, two of which are pioneer ships. He explained, all of these ships are in good operating conditions, because they have been checked both from the Ternate KSOP team and from the team derived by the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Ministry of Transportation. To ensure safety in the transportation of Eid travelers, continued Rushan, Ternate KSOP officers together with other parties will carry out strict supervision of the ship carrying Lebaran travelers, such as regarding the number of passengers, safety equipment and navigation equipment.

"We will try later to carry out several scenarios, including preparing replacement ships or additional ships, to serve certain routes, such as directions from the Director General of Sea Transportation, for congested routes, for example, our route here so far has been a route to South Halmahera Regency," he said. KSOP Ternate also continues to coordinate with BMKG Ternate, to ensure weather conditions in North Maluku waters, because it is considered prone to ship shipping, the ship is not allowed to sail. Therefore, the Head of KSOP Ternate appealed to Eid travelers not to force themselves to get on the ship if the ship's passengers have exceeded their capacity and do not carry goods that can be dangerous during shipping, for example firecrackers.

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